IC System Collects 5,000 Pounds of Food for Local Charity

IC System’s in-house volunteer group, ECHO (Employee Charitable Help Organization), held a contest at our St. Paul home office this year. Throughout November, our office’s three floors competed against one another to determine which level could raise the most non-perishable food items. Referred to in the office as the Turkey Dash, the event brought employees together to help gather a whopping 5,000 pounds of food for the local White Bear Lake Food Shelf.
The contest was part of ECHO’s annual fall fundraiser, a period of several weeks in October and November when IC System’s home office joins together for a giving campaign to raise donations for those in need. Employees have the opportunity to donate their time, food items, or even a small percentage of their payroll to help several different charitable initiatives.
One of several initiatives in the fall fundraiser involves employees sponsoring a tie blanket for both St. Paul Children’s Hospital and Gillette Children’s Hospital. For a $15 cost that can be covered by an individual, family, or department, employees can sponsor a blanket that will be given to a child in need. The tie blankets are knotted and assembled by employees on breaks and then delivered to the hospitals in the Twin Cities area. “It’s great to be able to provide blankets to those in need,” said Nicole Mueller, “and tying the blankets when you’re on break is therapeutic too!”
Employees are also given the option of having funds drawn from their bi-monthly check to be donated to one of the dozens of charities available in the program. Whether its a member of the Greater Twin Cities United Way, the MN Environmental Fund, the American Red Cross, or any of the many organizations under these umbrellas, IC System made it easy for staff to contribute to their community this holiday season.
There’s also a competitive element to IC System’s charitable efforts. In the Turkey Dash, the three levels of the home office compete against each other for a free lunch for that floor. This year, the second floor hit 1,179% percent of their donation goal by compiling donations, such as canned goods, jarred and boxed food items, and cash that would go toward the food shelf’s budget. As a company, IC System achieved 430% of its goal. “We truly have some amazing people here at IC System with giving and charitable hearts,” said Allison Johnson. “These donations will have such a positive impact on our neighbors.”
IC System would like to thank its generous employees, especially those in ECHO, for contributing and organizing this charitable initiative, with a special thanks to Deshun Givance for coordinating the Turkey Dash. To learn more about IC System’s year-round charity efforts, download out In the Community booklet.
About the Author: Brian Eggert
Brian Eggert is a business development specialist and writer for IC System, one of the largest receivables management companies in the United States. With 18 years in the collection industry, Brian's experience includes operations, client service, proposal writing, blogging, content creation, and web development.