3 surprising ways an ethical dental practice debt collector can help

For the dental practice’s office manager, cash flow is the name of the game. That means a key part of your role is collecting payment from patients, and that takes a great deal of time and resources. In many ways, a dental practice debt collector is an office manager’s best friend, because it frees up time to
Add friendliness and efficiency to your healthcare billing strategy

As a healthcare provider, you want to keep everyone’s focus on what matters most: restoring health and helping patients have their best possible lives. When bills become past due, it’s a tricky balance between using your time well and staying sensitive to the pressures in your patient’s life, without destroying your cash flow or your reputation in the
Municipality Bankruptcies Signal Fiscal Health

Bankruptcies among municipalities aren’t something you hear about every day. But since January 1, 2010, more than 60 cities and other U.S. municipalities have filed for bankruptcy according to Among the largest of these bankruptcies is Detroit, which filed bankruptcy in 2013. Historically, other major cities and counties have filed bankruptcy as well, including
How small business credit reporting helps you resolve past-due accounts

Late this summer, Equifax rocked the news headline cycle when it came out that hackers made off with the Social Security numbers of a whopping 145 million consumers, along with their names and dates of birth. That means nearly half the U.S. population is touched by this security breach, making it easier for criminals to
Bring balance to your small business debt collection efforts

In small business debt collection, the golden rule to motivating late customers to get current with their payments is persistence. Phone calls and reminder notices should be a part of every small business’s billing procedures, even if it’s not time yet to turn over the accounts to a collection partner. It’s important to bring balance to the
A Practice Checklist to Help You Prepare for 2018

Each day, your practice is there to help patients take stock of their health and create a plan to get healthier. But how often do you step back and give your practice a good checkup? The end of the year is a natural time to look back on the past 12 months and take stock. Don’t
Personal Income Growth Rates Signal Pattern for State Governments

Tracking the rise and fall of personal income levels sheds a light not only on you and your family’s economic status, but it also allows state governments to follow economic developments. Personal income levels consist of an individual’s wages, as well earnings from investments, and benefits from your employer or the government. Personal income data
Track your healthcare accounts receivable days

Those in the healthcare field know very well how numbers serve as key indicators of a patient’s health. When one of the key measurements is out of whack, it’s not proof of an underlying cause, but it’s a starting point in finding the root of illness and disease. The same is true for your practice’s financials. Having
IC System Comes Together for Local Food Shelf

When the leaves start to change and the autumn season rolls around, that means it’s time for the Fall Fundraiser at IC System. Our company’s charitable group ECHO (Employee Charitable Help Organization) leads several days of games and events to gather employee donations for local charities and families in need. No other game or activity
A patient has filed for bankruptcy. Do you know what to do?

Patient bankruptcies in the healthcare industry, as a whole, are on a downward trend. In 2016, the rate had fallen by half compared to those filed just six years before. Still, it’s important for any practice or clinic to take time to consider the legal and ethical implications that come with working with a patient who has filed. Now’s the