Category: Government
Champion-Challenger Collections Model

Competition brings out the best in us. Keep that in mind when considering what to do with your accounts receivables. Having a single, reliable collection agency partner may prove successful. But do you ever wonder if your collections partner could do better? Rather than leaving one partner and finding another, consider a Champion-Challenger model. Engaging
Government Collections: Your Late Stage Receivables Need Work

As a government office, you probably already know that your collection partner tends to lessen their work effort over time. Once you send your overdue accounts to a collection agency, they work your inventory for several months with a series of calls and letters. But what happens after that? IC System offers a government collections
Debunking Some Government Collection Agency Myths

Many factors go into keeping a government agency’s budget balanced, and there are many potential events that could put a budget out of balance. Despite the best effort of state and municipal budget officers, unforeseen and oftentimes external events such as severe weather and disasters, commodity prices, and federal policy changes can place unwelcome stress
States Prepared for a Recession

As has been previously discussed in this space, many indicators point to a recession descending upon the American economy sometime within the next couple of years. Of course, a recession is an unpleasant topic to think about, but the economy is cyclical, and occasional recessions are inevitable. Given this inevitability, it is important for government
Ongoing Economic Growth Not Benefiting Everyone Equally

The American economy continues to hum along and grow at historic rates. If the current period of economic expansion continues past this coming July, it will become the longest stretch of continuous economic growth on record, surpassing the spell of growth in the 1990s spurred by the tech boom. 2018 saw an average unemployment rate
Writing an RFP with a Focus on Resident-Friendly Collections

If you’re in the purchasing or finance department for a government entity, you may find yourself issuing a solicitation for collection services. Whether it’s for county-provided utilities, municipal parking violations, or any other collection needs, governments at all levels have debt to collect from their residents. But how do you ensure that your debt will
State Tax Revenues Continue to Grow

Another strong showing for state tax revenue in the third quarter of 2018 meant that all but five states saw a rise in those revenues, according to figures from the Pew Charitable Trusts. Furthermore, the strong quarter implies that 41 states have now seen their tax collections recover to their pre-recession inflation-adjusted peaks. That figure
Effects of Wayfair Starting to Show

Last year, we discussed the possible effects that a United States Supreme Court ruling in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair would have on state coffers. The ruling last June means that states are now able to collect sales tax on purchases their citizens make from online retailers, even if those retailers don’t have
Excessive Fines and Fees a Thing of the Past for Local Governments

State and local governments can no longer impose excessive fees and fines after a Supreme Court ruling on Wednesday, February 20. The unanimous decision reinforces the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution that “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” Fees and fines of this
External Factors Play Large Part in Local Budgets

A couple of recent news stories have highlighted some of the challenges that state and local government entities face in regards to budgeting. When states and municipalities are planning their budgets, it is important that they keep in mind that external factors can present challenges that are largely beyond their control. The recently-ended federal government