Category: Collections
Why a debt collection partner is a valuable asset

How can a third-party debt collector such as IC System be a valuable partner for your business? These are five of the benefits. Extra motivation: For some consumers, it may be easy to push off paying a bill. Perhaps they don’t fully understand the bill. Or perhaps you’re simply on the receiving end of their
Does your collection partner follow federal laws?

If you are concerned about collection laws and how your third-party collection partner reflects on you, it is not without reason. That’s because in 2015, a few of these companies were out of bounds: 895,158 consumers logged complaints to the Federal Trade Commission against third-party debt collectors, according to the agency’s Consumer Sentinel Network report. They were accused
Is Your Agency Putting You At Risk for TCPA Claims?

Do you have a landline? If so, you are part of a growing minority. Results from a study last year by the National Health Interview Survey suggest that more than half of all U.S. households have canceled their landlines and now use just their cell phones. The percentage is even higher among twentysomething adults, and
Changing Trends: Calling Cell Phones for Debt Collection

Everyone has a cellphone, and if you’re calling cell phones to collect on an outstanding debt, a timely call to a person’s cellphone can be an effective way to pursue a collection. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. The industry is flush with rules and procedures regarding collection calls to cellphones and any
Simple Tips to Manage Your Office’s Accounts Receivable

Collecting past-due bills from your consumers is a procedure that requires precise action with a sure and deft hand. At the same time, listening to the consumer is key to finding the solution. Each step of the accounts receivable process is an opportunity to help a consumer overcome an inability to pay in full. After
How to Keep Your Accounts Receivable Knowledge Sharp

Working in a billing office, it’s important to keep pace with your industry and take the time to update your skills. This is a smart move in any career, and it’s no different for those who work with accounts receivable. As the years and decades pass, you may see little change in the core principals of accounts receivable —