Author: Ben Fisher
Government: Internal Debt Collection Tips

Much like other types of debt, past-due government accounts generally become more difficult to collect the older the accounts get. When the accounts age to the point where your office can no longer efficiently and effectively collect them, it makes sense to team with a trusted collection partner such as IC System to try to
Wayfair Decision Marks Tax Change; Questions Remain

The United States Supreme Court in June ruled in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. that states can collect sales tax on purchases made from retailers that don’t have a physical presence in the state. The ruling overturns decades of legal precedence and is quite significant given the increasing role of online retailers in the modern
Tax Revenue in Most States Exceeds Pre-Recession Levels

More than a decade has passed since the Great Recession started in 2007, marking the worst worldwide economic period since the Great Depression. In the interim, it’s been a slow crawl toward a healthy global market. We’re not entirely there yet. Not every state in the U.S. has turned around, but we’re close. The fourth
Things to Consider When Choosing a Government Collection Agency

It is an unfortunate reality that some of your constituents will fail to pay for their services or taxes in a timely manner. At a certain point, you will want to retain the services of a debt collection partner to assist in realizing payments on these delinquent accounts. When the time comes to choose a
Government Collection Best Practices

Government agencies face unique sets of challenges which can prevent them from being run like businesses. But that doesn’t mean government entities that provide utility and other services shouldn’t strive for the sorts of efficiency and revenue maximization that commercial enterprises do. Reassessing your billing strategies with government collection best practices can decrease your volume of
Using Government Data Analytics to Guide Decision-Making

A recent report from the Pew Charitable Trusts highlighted ways to use government data analytics to inform decisions. Data provides a necessary measurement tool from which states can justify decisions, balance their budgets, and ensure their fiscal responsibility. Applying data-based metrics to better understand areas from spending to staffing has helped improve state decision making.
New federal tax bill might prompt changes to state tax codes

As states plan their budgets, many will find there are pros and cons to the new federal tax bill. Some states will experience a new increase in revenue, while most will notice the new law does nothing to reduce the significant balance of state and local accounts receivable. According to the Board of Governors of
Municipality Bankruptcies Signal Fiscal Health

Bankruptcies among municipalities aren’t something you hear about every day. But since January 1, 2010, more than 60 cities and other U.S. municipalities have filed for bankruptcy according to Among the largest of these bankruptcies is Detroit, which filed bankruptcy in 2013. Historically, other major cities and counties have filed bankruptcy as well, including
Personal Income Growth Rates Signal Pattern for State Governments

Tracking the rise and fall of personal income levels sheds a light not only on you and your family’s economic status, but it also allows state governments to follow economic developments. Personal income levels consist of an individual’s wages, as well earnings from investments, and benefits from your employer or the government. Personal income data
Wildfires Burn Through State Budgets

So far, 2017 has been a notably bad year for wildfires, both in the literal and figurative sense. Nationally, wildfires have consumed nearly 9 million acres of land year-to-date, which is about 45% more than the annual average over the prior ten years. Fighting all of these fires is quite expensive, with the federal government