Author: Brian Eggert
How Debt Collection Works: Collection Strategy

Written correspondence and calls are the bread and butter of a debt collection strategy. IC System’s “How Debt Collection Works” blog series continues with a discussion of our proven correspondence and call approach. Mike Selbitschka, IC System’s Vice President of Operations, talks about the collection strategy and efforts that occur after you have selected your
How Debt Collection Works: Data Scrubbing

Data scrubbing to ensure accurate consumer information is an essential debt collection tool. IC System’s data scrubbing and optimization program cleans your accounts to support effective collection efforts with higher quality data. Having good data means we take a smarter approach to your accounts. IC System’s “How Debt Collection Works” blog series continues with this
Doing Our Part During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The last few months have been rough. Between the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing, home-schooling for kids, massive unemployment rates, and dealing with business in a remote environment, we all could use some inspiration. Fortunately, there are brave healthcare workers, grocery store employees, and charitable organizations on the front lines who inspire us every day. Their
Rise in Pet Adoptions Could Mean Vet Debt Increases

Americans looking to bring some much-needed distraction and joy into their homes during lockdown have turned to pet adoptions. It’s excellent news for these animals, who need and deserve a loving home. But what does this increase in pet owners, some of whom are either unemployed or working reduced hours, mean for your veterinary clinic?
How Debt Collection Works: Account Placement

Not all accounts are ideal for collection efforts. It’s difficult to know which accounts you should send to your collection agency and when. IC System’s “How Debt Collection Works” blog series continues with a discussion about the best practices for account placement. You have already received some tips for choosing a collection agency and advice about which products
IC System’s COVID-19 Response

A message from IC System’s President & CEO, John Erickson: As we all adjust to these uncertain times, know that IC System is fully operational and ready to help generate revenue on your behalf. Managing your A/R may not currently be your first priority during this pandemic, but rest assured that we will continue to
Local Distillery Inspires with Their Coronavirus Response

As everyone continues to process the headlines and changing reality concerning the COVID-19 situation, it’s always nice when you find someone whose coronavirus response gives you inspiration and hope. That’s certainly the case with Vikre Distillery, a Minnesota spirits maker that normally creates a variety of gins, vodkas, and whiskeys. Faced with the pandemic and
How to Reduce Patient Stress in Healthcare Collections

Now more than ever, it’s no surprise that Americans feel stressed about their medical bills. CNBC reports that more than a third of all Americans (137 million) have struggled to cover the cost of their medical bills since the rise of high deductible health plans in recent years, leading to an increase in healthcare collections.
Tax Deadlines Change in Response to COVID-19

As a response to the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Treasury Department has announced that individual taxpayers and businesses have a new deadline to file their federal returns and pay their taxes: July 15. It was announced on Friday, March 20, that the new July 15 deadline would be moved as another measure by the U.S.
How Debt Collection Works: Select Your Product

You’ve already received some advice about how to determine if IC System is right for your office. Now you need to select your product or collection service. To continue our blog series about how debt collection works at IC System, Tom Mayfield, a District Sales Manager with over ten years in debt collection sales experience,