Author: Brian Eggert
Vet billing solutions that also mean better care

When you save or improve the life of a beloved family pet, the best reward is seeing the pet’s tail wag, followed by the joy and relief in the eyes of their humans. However, you will get the occasional human who fails to pay you for your life-saving care. So what’s the solution? Do you take a chance
4 things to know before adopting a virtual assistant

As artificial intelligence improves and makes inroads, it’s not a surprise to see some products enter the accounts receivables market. In fact, some companies are selling virtual assistants. We don’t mean robots or artificial intelligences; we mean a system that offers a highly sophisticated option for consumers to make online payments. Such systems can be
Make upfront payments the rule at your dental practice

The appointment is set, but rest assured, there is plenty for your patient to dread. There’s all that drilling and scraping, plus the potential unwelcome news that they will need to return for a root canal. Of course, then there’s the matter of paying for all this discomfort. On the flip side, asking someone for
Give your patient financial policy a checkup for the New Year

A good financial policy serves two purposes: It reduces exposures to your office but it should also eliminate surprise to your patients. With the new year, this is an opportune time to pull out this guiding document and give it a checkup to make sure it follows best practices. Is it easy to understand? First, look at the
Why a debt collection partner is a valuable asset

How can a third-party debt collector such as IC System be a valuable partner for your business? These are five of the benefits. Extra motivation: For some consumers, it may be easy to push off paying a bill. Perhaps they don’t fully understand the bill. Or perhaps you’re simply on the receiving end of their
Incentives could result in lower healthcare costs

Patients’ out-of-pocket costs are rising, putting even more pressure on the healthcare system — not to mention a clinic’s ability to make ends meet. One solution that’s gaining traction is changing reimbursement practices with an eye toward outcomes that experts say will save money and result in healthier patients in the long run. Value-based care: Medicare is
Helpful options as pet care costs rise

When a family pet gets sick, most owners say they would not put a price on the health of their dog or cat — until they see the bill. Like medical care, veterinary care costs are rising fast, leaving owners feeling hard-pressed to immediately pay off balances that can reach well into the thousands of
About replacing your revenue management system…

As cash flow emerges as a top administrative concern in healthcare, one solution remains clear: upgrading the revenue cycle management system. In fact, according a recent survey, 85 percent of healthcare organizations say they want to upgrade. Change overwhelms an old system The reasons behind the desire to upgrade are clear. First, they are working with a
Be proactive to help your customers avoid deep utility debt

For a utility company, a block of unpaid bills on the books can be a millstone. Unfortunately, with each missed payment, your chances of recovering the money starts slipping away. To help you get paid more quickly, take a look at some preventive measures and strategies to deal with these common situations. Old debts: In many states,
Fixing Your Patient Self Pay Process with Collections

There’s a lot of discussion and commentary out there about this issue, but everyone seems to agree: due to high-deductible health insurance plans, and a general failure to effectively address the flaws in the patient self-pay process, the bad debt problem is only going to get worse for many healthcare providers. Mike Trilli, the senior